Almark writes: -ATD- is a pure Electronic album that recaptures the vibes of the past, while keeping the modern element intact. While this album is not a retro album but has feelings of retro.

In 2012 I had the urge to create music from a digital source to analog and back again, this idea formed -ATD- “Analog to Digital” but since this method I was using didn’t work for me, I instead created the album in DAW. I wanted to recreate a element that has been lost through the years. This is such an album, but from my perspective. I wanted to capture the retro feelings I felt as a child in 1983. This album is much like when people were experimenting in clubs and so forth in Germany, UK and abroad. Much of the influence comes from growing up hearing PBS, BBC, and other television programs and movies. Where you would hear snippets of moog-like sounds between commercials, things were analog, pure and tangible. -ATD- is my tribute to Electronic music in a whole.

download: bandcamp | archive.org